Thursday, November 19, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Back for another Throwback Thursday this week. These are two more photos I found when I was moving of my cousin Ursula a.k.a. Lani, my sister, and I.

The top photo is just at our house in L.A. and the bottom is the three of us being goofs at the Krispy Kreme's Factory in Gardena. I know the bottom photo was taken in 2004, but I am honestly not sure about the top, but I do know it was at least a year before.

My cousin is one of my biggest role models and I look to her for support and advice. She is the one who always reminds me that I need to take care of myself first and I don't always have to make everyone happy. I am happy that I now only live two hours away from her instead of 6!

Hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane with me, have a great Thursday!
<3 Kimmie

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