Saturday, August 2, 2014

12 Summer/Beach Essentials

Summer is officially in full swing! The sun is shining, the air is warm and the beaches are once again the go-to spot for a fun summer day. That being said, here are some essentials for when you are packing up for the beach.
White Oversized Beach Bag - Crochet Knit - Market Tote -  Ready To Ship
Found on Etsy
So getting started, first thing needed is a large carry-all bag. First off, you are going to need something to carry all your stuff around. Find a bag that fits your personality and is big enough to fit all of your items.

Sunscreen! This is like the beach essential! You should never spend hours in the sun without any protection. So, how much SPF you should be wearing? "The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone apply a sunscreen with an SPF30 every day, and an SPF50 before participating in outdoor activities."

Water bottle and snacks. This is a must to keep you from getting dehydrated when you are in the sun and salt water and you should be eating regularly to avoid fatigue and getting heat exhaustion.

Found on AmazonSunglasses. Gotta protect those peepers! I usually take a cheap pair that you get at any drug store or the 99cent store.

Reading Material. I am the kind of girl who loves to flop down on my towel with a good book. I generally have my Kindle or some book with me everywhere I go. There are so many summer reading lists that bloggers put together, you are sure to find one that fits you. For reading list examples, try here and here, or even here.

Flip Flops. What is the beach without flip-flops? They are easy to wear in sand and around the area and plus, you don’ have to worry about lacing up tennis shoes and worrying about getting sand inside five seconds later.

A summer hat. Whether you are into floppy wide brimmed hats or are just fine with a baseball cap, you should find a hat that can keep sun off your face and neck. (as cheesy as it sounds, you can always take a bandana and have the tail end sticking out of your hat to protect your neck.

Check out at Target.
Beach Towel. Well I guess it is called a beach towel for a reason lol. I love all the fun designs you can get on a beach towel, plus they are so oversized you know that you can lay on one and it will pretty much match the length of your body. (Well I’m short so it works for me)

Waterproof Pouch. This is a must have if you are going to bring electronics to the beach! It will keep all your valuable electronics safe from water damage while you are out having fun. Life hack: sometimes I will just use a Ziploc bag.

Photo credit: here.
Wristlet. This will keep all your money safe and in one place rather than rolling around at the bottom of your bag. A lot of stores have really cute wristlets for cheap.

After-sun moisturizer/Leave-in Conditioner. After laying about in the sun and getting in and out of the water all day the sun and salt-water can seriously dry out your skin and hair. These will put the moisture back, revitalize your skin and hair and a lot of after-sun moisturizers can help lengthen the life of your tan.

Tunes. You can’t forget some awesome beach music. Whether it is just you or a couple friends with a portable speaker it is fun to have a soundtrack to your day.

What are some of your summer essentials! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!

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