Friday, January 10, 2014

Tis the season...for being sick :(

Gah! I hate being sick! I caught the bug going around this year and it is a doosey! The two days after Christmas I spent in bed, coughing with a fever of over 100 degrees! The cough was still hanging around but I thought I had gotten over this cold...oh how wrong I was... Wednesday my fever spiked again and I had to stay home from work because of how crummy I was feeling. But on the bright side, after I finally woke up, I got to spend the day watching Doctor Who with my boyfriend. He even took me to go get a cinnamon roll from Cinnabun! So even though I was sick again it was a fairly relaxing day. Advice to all, get your flu shots because you do not want to get sick! And if you do: get lots of sleep and get cold medicine that tackles a cough! Sending hugs from my computer screen to yours, have a wonderful day!

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