Sunday, June 30, 2013

Grand Bethel Time!

Well its that weekend once more. The last full weekend of June every year all the Job's Daughters of California get together in Visalia and hold our annual convention called Grand Bethel. It is held from Thursday to Sunday. Thursday and Saturday nights are formal, while all of Friday we wear what are called "look-a-likes." This year our Bethel just decided on a fabric and each person made there own skirt or dress as they liked. Its always fun looking at all the different kinds of faberics and picking out each Bethel in the convention center. To give you a brief run down of our itinerary this weekend: we left for Visalia at about 9am on Thursday and arrived about 1pm. We made our first stop at the convention center to drop off arts and crafts and check in. Then we checked into the hotel, got set up, napped, etc. Alyssa and I were crazy enough to just start excercising and me, being really out of shape, over did it and made my thigh muscles so tight it hurt to stand and sit all of Friday! Thursday night was opening session and I got to wear my big purple poofy cupcake dress. Friday was LONG! We had morning session, breaked for lunch, directly after lunch was the necrology ceremony (honoring all those involved with Jobies who had passed away in the past year.) Then was drill team competitions and more business and stuff. Break for dinner and we went to Mimi's Cafe (YUMMY!).

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